Timing is Everything

Happy Spring, friends! Welcome to my first ever newsletter. I know – what took me so long?  I’ve realized more and more over the past year that everything in life is about timing. If we want something to happen we can have all the information, all the talent, all the environmental factors in place but if the timing isn’t right – it won’t happen. Additionally, we can deeply desire for ourselves to manifest something but if we are not ready, it also will not come into fruition. This leaves us only with the option to fight what is or to accept it; to stay on our path or pivot.

Whatever your present moment is, however your timing is unfolding for you, rest in the knowing that you get to choose what you want it to look like. We don’t always have to be productive, we don’t always have to execute, all we need is to be connected to our inner knowing. It’s always there, guiding the way.

Click here to see my April newsletter.


Living in Your Light


The Power Of Sound + Touch