October Newsletter: A Call To Practice

“Practice becomes firmly grounded when well attended to for a long time, without break, and with devotion.”   Sutra 1:14

When things get challenging, our practice is often the first to go. It’s in these experiences, that shake the ground beneath us, that actually call for us to step on our mats. This is when we have the opportunity to welcome a new foundation. One that is steady, compassionate, and action-oriented.

The Sanskrit word for practice is Sadhana and it means to commune with spirit.  It is a spiritual exercise that allows us to align with the part of ourselves that is unchanging, unlimited, and eternal. A sadhana is required because we don’t have the opportunity in our everyday routine to pause and feel this re-union with our true nature. The role of our senses is to pull us outward, and in doing so they seduce us into thinking that every image, perception, and sensation is real and permanent. In fact, they are all transient. The part of yourself that witnesses these experiences is the part of you that remains and has always been. Spend time with that part of yourself a little bit every day, and watch your life transform.

Kickstart your sadhana with me and Alan Finger online: ISHTA Sound-and-Samadhi

Read my October newsletter here.


The Transience Of Autumn


Where The Light Comes In