Living in Your Light

It’s 2023 – a new year with new possibilities. Some of the words/themes I’ve heard associated with this year are: empowerment, ascension, upgrade, finding your sacred tribe, and taking your seat at the table. Whether these themes resonate with you or not, I know this much to be true: the experience you are having right now is divinely orchestrated for you precisely because you are having it. We are constantly co-creating our reality, whether we are conscious of it or not. We always have the ability to change our dream and create a new one; to reassess our current circumstances and to learn from our past. Nothing in our galaxy is fixed and neither are you. You don’t actually need the new year to start anew, but you can use it as an opportunity get clear on what your soul deeply desires. 

I am truly touched by the feedback I have received from many of you on my new book, “Living in the Light,” which I have co-authored with Deepak Chopra. Thank you for your support! As Deepak says in the book: “Humans are the only creatures who can consciously evolve and yoga is the handbook that shows you the way.” If you haven’t yet purchased your copy, you can find it here or at any major bookstore. May each day be a new opportunity for you to live in the light that is your birthright. 


Peaceful Presence


Timing is Everything